he New Forest National Park Authority has published the first public consultation document as part of its review of the local planning policies covering the National Park area. The ‘Direction of Travel’ consultation document (and response form) is available on our website.
Drop-in events
As part of the consultation we are also holding a series of public drop-in events across the National Park. These events will be staffed by members of our planning team and provide people with the opportunity to come and find out more about the Local Plan review.
· Bramshaw Village Hall, SO43 7JE: Monday 24 February, 2pm – 7pm
· Hyde Memorial Hall, SP6 2HU: Tuesday 25 February, 1.30pm – 6.30pm
· Brockenhurst Village Hall, SO42 7RY: Monday 3 March, 2pm – 7pm
· Lyndhurst Community Centre, SO43 7NY: Friday 7 March 2pm – 7pm
The consultation document summarises the process for preparing a revised Local Plan and the national planning policy context for National Parks. At this initial stage we are asking local communities, businesses, stakeholders and statutory consultees about the scope of the review of the Local Plan. The Direction of Travel consultation document sets out the key issues and areas on which the Local Plan Review will focus and sets out the policy areas which have not changed since the Plan was adopted in 2019.
The Local Plan will look forward to 2043 and will play a key role in taking forward the two statutory National Park purposes and related socio-economic duty, helping to ensure the New Forest continues to receive the highest level of protection while fostering the economic and social well-being of the 34,000 residents who live within the Park.
Duty to Cooperate
The New Forest National Park has a close relationship with surrounding areas and the Authority is therefore particularly keen to hear from your organisation at this early stage on what you would like to see in the new Local Plan. If you feel it would be helpful to discuss the issues in person please contact policy@newforestnpa.gov.uk to arrange a meeting.
As part of the initial work on the review of the Local Plan, the Authority is also inviting local communities, landowners and developers to put forward sites that they wish to be considered for residential, employment, Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and other uses (including environmental mitigation) within the National Park. Submitted sites will be assessed by the Authority and the results will form part of the evidence base for the next stage in updating the Local Plan.
Consultation period
The deadline for comments on both the initial consultation on the scope of the Local Plan review and the ‘Call for Sites’ is 5pm Tuesday 18 March 2025. Consultation comments or site suggestions should be submitted using the online response forms, or can be emailed to policy@newforestnpa.gov.uk.